Truly Deadly

Outnumbered. Outsmarted. Outgunned. Now we're chief suspects in a terror attack we prevented. Well, you won’t believe what's coming next. There’ll be two weeks of hellish spy and assassin training. A heartbreaking memory of Philippe’s. Plus an undercover mission in the world of the rich and super-dangerous. And let's not forget our evil assassin friends at JPAC. Turns out they've got this super-weapon that could mean the end of the world. And there’s something terrifying lurching around the next corner. All I can say is, run. And if you dare
 jump. You’ll love Lorna’s latest adventure because it’s packed with more adventure and humour than ever before. Get World Will Fall now. Recommended for age 16+. Not for the faint-hearted. *** Be sure to listen to books 1 & 2 first ***