Thich Nhat Hanh

Author • 10 books

Thich Nhat Hanh (pronounced tik-not-hawn) waas a world-renowned writer, scholar, spiritual leader, and Zen Buddhist monk. Since the age of sixteen, he was a Buddhist monk, a peace activist, and a seeker of the way. He survived three wars, persecution, and more than thirty years of exile from his native Vietnam, when he was banned by both the non-Communist and Communist governments for his role in undermining the violence he saw affecting his people. He was the master of one of the most prominent temples in Vietnam, and his lineage is traceable directly to the Buddha himself. A prolific author, Nhat Hanh has written more than one hundred books of philosophy, poetry, and fiction. Nhat Hanh lived in a monastic community in southwestern France that he founded, called Plum Village, recognized as the main inspiration for engaged Buddhism. He died in January 2022 at the age of 95.