This charming, old-fashioned story of a girl growing up during the depression will convince you that anything is possible. Against a backdrop of authentic hardship and despair, 13-year-old Virginia Eade discovers the true source of happiness. A doctor's daughter, Virginia spends her days dreaming of romance with "the two Charlies"-Charles Lindburgh and Charlie Chaplin. Soon Virginia is forced to give up her room to less fortunate relatives, and failed banks, closed shops, and breadlines crop up in her insulated world. When her father asks her to accompany him as he provides much needed medical care in the notorious hobo village, Virginia's life is changed forever. The 1930s become poignantly real with the novel's wealth of period detail, providing a dramatic backdrop for a message of hope and compassion. Kate Forbes' narration of this best-selling inspirational novel is guaranteed to touch your heart. She so skillfully portrays Virginia and conveys the ambiance of the depression era that the result is truly magical.
A Room of My Own