Felix Dahn was a nineteenth century German Professor of Jurisprudence, as well as a historian, novelist and poet, who was greatly admired by his academic contemporaries for his grasp of the historical detail of the periods about which he wrote. He has been well served by this magisterial translation, which at last makes this astonishingly rich novel available to the modern English reader. This is a story - perhaps the story - of the clash between two great civilizations of the sixth century of the Common Era, when the Roman Empire had crumbled into dust; the struggle for Rome, and for Italy, between the Eastern Roman Empire of Byzantium, ruled by Justinian, and the Gothic warrior tribes who had captured Italy under their legendary king Theodoric. We see this epoch through the eyes of different personalities at the centre of these events which shook the world as they knew it; most are historical figures and some are imaginary but typical; Justinian and his beautiful and scheming wife, Theodora; the great commander Belisarius, immortalised by Robert Graves; Totila and Teias, two Gothic kings, one as bold and bright as the sun and the other as black as night; and Cethegus, the Prefect of Rome and the last of the Romans, whose cold and calculating nature runs through the book like a steel thread, who will stop at nothing to regain the ancient city, and who, in the end, fails and redeems his many crimes with a hero's death. Firmly based on historical fact and contemporary sources, A Struggle for Rome is one of the great historical novels of the world.
Ein Kampf um Rom I
Felix Dahn
audiobookEin Kampf um Rom II
Felix Dahn
audiobookEin Kampf um Rom : Historischer Roman
Felix Dahn
bookHistorische Romane aus der Zeit der Völkerwanderung (14 Titel in einem Band) : Epische Schlachten und politische Intrigen im frühen Mittelalter
Felix Dahn
bookGesammelte Werke: Historische Romane, Erzählungen, Sagen & Gedichte (Über 200 Titel in einem Buch) : Tiefgründige Romantik: Entdecken Sie historische Sagen & Gedichte von Felix Dahn
Felix Dahn
bookKaiser Karl und seine Paladine : Mittelalter-Roman
Felix Dahn, Therese Dahn
bookAttila (Historischer Roman) : Die Welt der Hunnen und die Kriegführung gegen Rom
Felix Dahn
bookWalhall: Germanische Götter und Heldensagen : Mythologische Schätze aus dem Germanischen Reich der Dahns
Felix Dahn, Therese Dahn
bookEin Kampf um Rom : Intrigen, Dramen und Kämpfe: Ein historischer Roman aus der Kaiserzeit
Felix Dahn
bookA Struggle for Rome (Vol. 1-3) : Historical Novel
Felix Dahn
bookDie Zeit der Völkerwanderung: 14 Historische Romane : Attila, Felicitas, Ein Kampf um Rom, Gelimer, Fredigundis, Die Bataver, Chlodovech…
Felix Dahn
bookFelix Dahn: Historische Romane, Erzählungen & Gedichte : Odhin's Trost, Attila, Wallhall, Ein Kampf um Rom, Felicitas, Kaiser Karl und seine Paladine…
Felix Dahn