This compilation of Sri Aurobindo’s letters deals primarily with the role of the Divine Mother in the practice of the Integral Yoga. In these letters Sri Aurobindo explains who the Mother is and how one can open oneself to her help. Surrender to the Mother; true relation with her through faith, devotion and love; work for her as part of one’s sadhana; receiving her help in difficulties; her Presence, Light and Force; her human embodiment – these are some of the subjects Sri Aurobindo discusses in these letters. He wrote most of them in the 1930s to disciples living in his Ashram in Pondicherry.
Ruhe, Stille und Schweigen (1)
Sri Aurobindo
bookAll Life Is Yoga: Silence (1)
Sri Aurobindo
bookInneres Leben : Yoga und psychische Gesundheit
Sri Aurobindo, Die (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mutter
bookDie Mutter und der Integrale Yoga
Sri Aurobindo
bookDas ideale Center
Sri Aurobindo, Die (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mutter
bookAll Life Is Yoga: The Ideal Centre
Sri Aurobindo, The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
bookDie Geburt des Zukunftsmenschen
Sri Aurobindo, Die (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mutter
bookEin Aufruf an die Jugend
Sri Aurobindo, Die (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mutter
bookAll Life Is Yoga: A Call to the Youth
Sri Aurobindo, The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
bookAll Life Is Yoga: On the Road to a Spiritual Age
Sri Aurobindo
bookAuf dem Weg in ein spirituelles Zeitalter
Sri Aurobindo