This book informs the reader about applications of ArtificialIntelligence (AI) and nature-inspired algorithms in different situations. Eachchapter in this book is written by topic experts on AI, nature-inspired algorithmsand data science. Chapters are structured to provide an introduction to the topic, the computational methodology required for experimentation and analysis, and a discussion of results results The basic concepts relevant to these topics are explained, includingevolutionary computing (EC), artificial neural networks (ANN), swarmintelligence (SI), and fuzzy systems (FS). Additionally, the book also covers optimizationalgorithms for data analysis. The contents include algorithms that can be used in systems designedfor plant science research, environmental analysis, computer vision andhealthcare. There are a variety of use cases highlighted in the book that demonstrate how computer algorithms can be used to simulate and understand natural phenomena, such as moving object detection, COVID-19 detection, genetic diversity, physiology and much more. Additionally, the contributors provide useful tips specific to some algorithsm such as load balancing techniques and fuzzy PID controls. The goal of the book is to equip the reader – students and data analysts– with the information needed to apply basic AI algorithms to resolve actualproblems encountered in a professional environment.
The Satisfiability Problem : Algorithms and Analyses
Uwe Schöning, Jacobo Torán
bookLogic for Problem Solving, Revisited
Robert Kowalski
bookThe Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.
Jean-Luc Mommaerts
bookKollege KI : Künstliche Intelligenz verstehen und sinnvoll im Unternehmen einsetzen
Stefan Gröner, Stephanie Heinecke
audiobookEconomy Monitor Guide to Smart Contracts
Percy Venegas
bookBartolomeo Manfredi (1582–1622) : Ein Nachfolger Caravaggios und seine europäische Wirkung. Monographie und Werkverzeichnis
Nicole Hartje
bookLese-/Rechtschreibstörung : Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene mit LRS wirksam unterstützen und fördern
Gerd Schulte-Körne
bookNarzissmus : Grundlagen - Formen - Interventionen
Marc Walter, Oliver Bilke-Hentsch
bookHass, Wut, Gewalt und Narzissmus
Otto F. Kernberg
bookGelingende Kommunikation mit Kindern und Jugendlichen : Neue Autorität, Marte Meo und Ich schaffs!
Dirk Rohr, Haim Omer, Maria Aarts, Ben Furman
bookMit Odysseus ins Silicon Valley : Erwecke den Gründer in dir
Tristan Niewöhner
audiobookPersonality and Wholeness in Therapy : Integrating 9 Patterns of Developmental Pathways in Clinical Practice
Daniel J. Siegel, MD, PDP PDP Group