
Avoiding The Protein Plague And The Fructose Epidemic


All about the perils of high protein diets, fructose, meat, eggs, and milk. This book will surprise you, as the researching for it surprised me. The good news is that it is much simpler to gain the optimal nutrition than we have been mislead to believe. No more worries about 'am I getting enough protein'.

This book explains the modern Western epidemics of cancer, osteoporosis, kidney disease, obesity, arthritis, depression, anxiety, hyper-tension, heart disease (heart attacks and strokes), and senescence.

This book is about living longer, healthier, more physically and mentally vital and active lives, long into our eighties and beyond.

We will clear up the many myths that have been propagated both by professional 'deceivers' known as the mass media and marketing, and as an unintended consequences of otherwise well intentioned nutritionists.

We will see just how easy it is to ensure you and your loved ones an optimal nutrition. It is so much easier, cheaper, and simpler than I ever imagined.

Remember that we all share the health costs incurred by the Western diet. Will you or your loved ones be the next patients refused treatment by your health insurance fund because all the resources of that fund have been depleted on illnesses and diseases that could have been prevented and avoided, with little effort, self-discipline, education, and good will?


  • E-book


  • • 88 pages



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