The number of people involved in multilevel/network marketing is staggering: 13.3 million people in the U.S. and more than 54 million worldwide, with 175,000 new people in the U.S. signing on each week, and 475,000 per week worldwide. This author's last book Make Your First Million in Network Marketing gave readers an overview of what it takes to succeed in network marketing. (A lot of the books do that.) This new book hand-holds listeners through a 26-step program that will help them become one of the top earners in the industry. Become A Network Marketing Superstar will take direct sellers and network (multi-level) marketers through the key steps to joining the highest earners in an industry that has spawned thousands of millionaires and millions of financially independent business owners.
Be a Network Marketing Superstar : The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible
- 6 books
Mary Christensen
Mary Christensen is the author of Make Your First Million In Network Marketing, a Simon & Schuster book.
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