Beyond MAUS. The Legacy of Holocaust Comics collects 16 contributions that shed new light on the representation of the Holocaust. While MAUS by Art Spiegelman has changed the perspectives, other comics and series of drawings, some produced while the Holocaust happened, are often not recognised by a wider public. A plethora of works still waits to be discovered, like early caricatures and comics referring to the extermination of the Jews, graphic series by survivors or horror stories from 1950s comic books. The volume provides overviews about the depictions of Jews as animals, the representation of prisoner societies in comics as well as in depth studies about distorted traces of the Holocaust in Hergé's Tintin and in Spirou, the Holocaust in Mangas, and Holocaust comics in Poland and Israel, recent graphic novels and the use of these comics in schools. With contributions from different disciplines, the volume also grants new perspectives on comic scholarship.
Stefan Zweig, Judentum und Zionismus
Mark H. Gelber
bookJüdische Publizistik und Literatur im Zeichen des Ersten Weltkriegs
bookJewish Soldiers in the Collective Memory of Central Europe : The Remembrance of World War I from A Jewish Perspective
bookWegweiser und Grenzgänger : Studien zur deutsch-jüdischen Kultur- und Literaturgeschichte
bookStudien zur deutschsprachig-jüdischen Literatur und Kultur : Standortbestimmungen eines transdisziplinären Forschungsfeldes
bookYiddish and the Field of Translation : Agents, Strategies, Concepts and Discourses across Time and Space. In cooperation with Marianne Windsperger
bookDie Grabstätten meiner Väter : Die jüdischen Friedhöfe in Wien
Tim Corbett
bookJewish Literatures and Cultures in Southeastern Europe : Experiences, Positions, Memories
bookFotografien aus den Lagern des NS-Regimes : Beweissicherung und ästhetische Praxis