The second book continues the story again from the perspective of her mother, Bernadette of Christinas development: the end of her school days, the revelation of her life plan and the impressive start of her work in public.Further topics in Book 2 are: the universal rules of life; how to follow our individual soul path and unfold our personal potential; support from our spiritual companions; practical tips for increasing individual and collective vibration frequency; the silent revolution of unconditional love; the importance of grounding for time-change people; the essential link between lateral thinking and spirituality; holistic science and positive technology; four possible consciousness orientation choices; the five-dimensional future of humanity on earth and the approaching golden age.I am here to help human beings to reach a state of expanded consciousness. With an expanded horizon, they will be able to see what is not working properly on this planet today for themselves. Then they can develop new solutions and perspectives in every area of life that will be successful in the long term. But human beings have free will. The decision is theirs alone. (Christina von Dreien)We are all equal in our innermost core. No one is more advanced than anyone else, no light is brighter than any other, and no task in life is more important than any other. We are all divine beings who are experiencing being human, and not human beings who are becoming divine. (Christina von Dreien)
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bookChristina, Band 2: Die Vision des Guten
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