
Coding for Kids Ages 9-15: Simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript lessons to get you started with Programming from Scratch


Are you looking to teach children how to code? Or are you looking to start coding?

This book on beginner html and JavaScript is the answer.

For the last couple of years, the news keeps talking about the digital economy and how everyone needs programmers. It seems like everyone wants to learn how to code. However, it is not that easy. Coding is a skill; and like any skill it takes time to learn. Like any skill, the younger you start; the better you get.

From my personal experience with coding and also with teaching young kids how to code, let me tell you that coding is a lot of fun and extremely gratifying.

It teaches you how to organize, think logically, communicate, work in teams and be more creative.

However, programming can be hard to learn. Especially if you start reading advanced books. You need a step-by-step guide to get started. This book starts off with the very basics; how to install the software, set up and write your first lines of code. There are exercises at the end of each chapter that can test your new found knowledge and move you ahead.

And then, we get you a few more advanced skills that can get you started making websites.

Even if you've never touched a computer in your life, you will find this book useful.

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  • E-book


  • • 76 pages



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