Do you often feel disturbed by intrusive and stifling thoughts? Would you like to find the best way to manage anxiety and depression? Then you just found the perfect audio book for you! Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most proven and reliable way to treat mental problems and suffering. This guide includes long time-tested practices for overcoming depression, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts. It will provide you with lifelong techniques that have stood the test of time and scientific rigor. From simple, effective tools like writing down your goals to addressing negative thought patterns, this accessible, easy-to-understand guide to cognitive behaviour therapy is an amazing resource to help you grow as a person as you overcome challenges and boost your overall health and well-being, setting aside all your bad and repetitive thoughts once and for all! More in details you will find the best strategies to: - Understand the source of your bad thoughts; - Confront anxiety head-on; - Build a better relationship with yourself and other people; - Break all the bad habits and start enjoying life; - Track your progress during the cognitive behaviour therapy. Progress at your own pace toward healing with this simple approach to cognitive behavioural therapy. What are you waiting for? Take your chance and buy the audio book now!
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