Mysterious occurrences shake the local civilization. It seems as if magical powers and magic are involved. Several assassinations attempt on Sigurd, which he only survives due to his special abilities, convince him that he must join forces with the new MBF organization to solve the mysteries. His top priority, however, is the search for the organic ship PAURUSHEYA, which also mysteriously disappeared 250 years ago. In a forgotten and impenetrable part of the world, in the middle of the dense Honduran rainforest in the La Mosquitia region, Alethea and Sigurd come across the legendary city. Through the "Ring of Srem", he and Alethea, the former material hologram and avatar of the spaceship Paurusheya, are transported to the energetic half-world of the Zetschn'cha. There is the hemisphere, the refuge of the magician Sol'altoo, the autocratic tyrant.
Die Außerirdische (AlienWalk 1)
Jens F. Simon
bookIn the vortex of alternating worlds (EXO-TERRESTRIAL-FORCES 6) : Legacy of OUTER-SPACE nanites
Jens F. Simon
bookIn the pull of infinity (EXO-TERRESTRIAL-FORCES 5) : Legacy of OUTER-SPACE nanites
Jens F. Simon
bookTrapped in virtual reality (EXO-TERRESTRIAL-FORCES 4) : Legacy of OUTER-SPACE nanites
Jens F. Simon
bookHemmeligt angreb fra rumvæsener (STAR-DUST 1) : Under nanitternes forbandelse
Jens F. Simon
bookDer Commander (STAR-DUST 33) : Im Bannfluch der Naniten
Jens F. Simon
bookUnder the spell of the magical demimonde (EXO-TERRESTRIAL-FORCES 3) : Legacy of OUTER-SPACE nanites
Jens F. Simon
bookDie vergangene Zukunft (EXO-TERRESTRIAL-FORCES 8) : Vermächtnis der OUTER-SPACE Naniten
Jens F. Simon
bookDie Sternenwelt (EXO-TERRESTRIAL-FORCES 7) : Vermächtnis der OUTER-SPACE Naniten
Jens F. Simon
bookIm Strudel alternierender Welten (EXO-TERRESTRIAL-FORCES 6) : Vermächtnis der OUTER-SPACE Naniten
Jens F. Simon
bookIm Sog der Unendlichkeit (EXO-TERRESTRIAL-FORCES 5) : Vermächtnis der OUTER-SPACE Naniten
Jens F. Simon
bookAlternierende Wirklichkeiten (AlienWalk 16)
Jens F. Simon