


Many people say they never remember their dreams, while others don't pay much attention to them, feeling they're just nonsense because they don't understand their significance. Even if you do believe that dreams are important, they can seem like random situations with strange things happening and out-of-place objects you'd never see in the real world. It's hard to see how many of our dreams make sense and how they could ever be helpful in our waking lives.

The reason it's so hard to understand our dreams is because much of the dream world revolves around symbolism. If you look at dream symbols as metaphors to things in your waking life--things on your mind, in your past, problems, worries, goals, hopes, and fears—these symbols become much less confusing.

In this book, we'll cover the types of dreams, how dreams can help you, and several dreamwork exercises. Through dreamwork, you'll find that your subconscious starts revealing more about your mind, body, and soul. This internal guidance system will let you know if you're moving in the right direction or need to make some changes. They can offer information and help on how to be successful and happy--physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

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