Serial storytelling has the advantage of unlocking rather than simplifying the complexities of digital culture. With their worldbuilding potential, TV series open up new artistic horizons, particularly for the dystopian genre. Situated at the nexus of dystopia, complex TV, and a metamodern cultural logic, Dystopia on Demand: Technology, Digital Culture, and the Metamodern Quest in Complex Serial Dystopias offers readers novel insights into the dynamics of serial dystopias in the contemporary streaming landscape. Introducing the term 'complex serial dystopias' to describe series that allow audiences to engage with the dystopian premise from multiple angles, the book examines four Anglo-American series, including Black Mirror, Mr. Robot, Westworld, and Kiss Me First. The in-depth analyses trace the variety of ways in which these series offer critical reflections on the human-technology entanglement in digital culture.
Identität zwischen Dekonstruktion und (Re)Konstruktion im zeitgenössischen britischen Roman : Peter Ackroyd, Iain Banks und A. S. Byatt
Folkert Degenring
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Isabell Ludewig
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bookLiterarische Perspektiven auf den Kapitalismus : Fallbeispiele aus dem 21. Jahrhundert
bookAbsent Rebels: Criticism and Network Power in 21st Century Dystopian Fiction
Annika Gonnermann
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book"Die bloße Macht des Raums" – Detailrealismus und Topographie in Theodor Fontanes L'Adultera
Maria Antonia Schellstede