One of the most talked-about scholarly works of the past fifty years, Judith Butler's Gender Trouble is as celebrated as it is controversial.
Vem är rädd för genus?
Judith Butler
bookKuka pelkää sukupuolta?
Judith Butler
audiobookbookKroppe af betydning
Judith Butler
bookWhat World Is This?
Judith Butler
audiobookIkkevoldens styrke
Judith Butler
bookOrdenes vold
Judith Butler
bookThe Force of Nonviolence
Judith Butler
audiobookRücksichtslose Kritik : Körper, Rede, Aufstand
Judith Butler
bookNeofascismo : De Trump a la extrema derecha europea
Noam Chomsky, Chantal Mouffe, Ignacio Ramonet, Wolfgang Streeck, Serge Halimi, Judith Butler
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