Getting Things Done: The Ultimate Guide on Increasing Productivity, Learn Expert Advice and Helpful Strategies on How to Take Action Every Day to Become A Productive Effective Individual Are you doing something right now that is working towards achieving your biggest dream? Chances are, you're not. Most people are stuck doing something that they don't even like. They fail to take concrete actions on the big things because they are sweating over the small stuff. Most people encounter small or big obstacles in their everyday life and because they are trying to put out these fires. We all have the potential to reach our dreams if we just know how to not waste our time on things that have no value. Most of the time, you might feel that you don't have time to do everything you want and it feels 24 hours a day is not enough. But studies show that only 20% of the average workday is spent on crucial or important things while 80% is spent on things that have little or no value. The average person gets 1 interruption every 8 minutes or approximately 7 an hour. The average interruption can take up to 5minutes so it's a total of 4 hours per day. These interruptions are often of little value. This audiobook will teach you how to live up to your full potential so you can work towards achieving your dreams. It will show you ways on how to become a more effective person. Personal effectiveness plays a very big role towards attaining your goals. In this audiobook, you will discover the following: - 10 Mindsets That Crush Personal Effectiveness - Life Rewards Action - Deciding to Be More Effective Now - Reword and Reorder What You're Currently Doing - Creating and Following a Personal Effectiveness Ritual - There are a lot of practices you can adopt to become a more effective person. Time management is not about doing There are a lot of practices you can adopt to become a more effective person.
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