Do you need to adopt a gluten-free diet and lifestyle for health reasons? Are you unsure how you are going to do this, what foods you should eat and what you should avoid? his audio book has been written to help you make the transition! There are a number of reasons why some people choose to go onto a gluten-free diet. Some choose to do so to increase their energy or to combat allergies, while for others it may be because of doctors’ advice to deal with a more serious condition. Whatever it is, it presents a challenge, much like becoming vegan or cutting out certain foods in other diets. In this audio book, Gluten Free Food: The Ultimate Gluten Free Diet for Beginners, Learn to Create a Gluten-Free Lifestyle for Health & Weight Loss, you will discover how you can adopt a gluten-free diet, incorporating it into your life with chapters on: What is Gluten? Why the Big Deal? How is Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity and Gluten Intolerance Diagnosed? How to Help Your Doctor Make a Diagnosis What are the Benefits of Living Gluten Free? Dangers of Eating Gluten Free How to Enjoy Eating Gluten Free So What Can You Eat? Simple Gluten Free Meal Options Becoming gluten-free may initially seem like a challenge but once you are aware of the rules it becomes much easier and before long you will wonder what all the fuss was about. And with Gluten Free Food you have a book that provides everything you will need to make this important lifestyle change!
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