
Hard Ass in Love


Nicole is, without a doubt, the oddest creature Iā€™ve ever met. As far as therapists go, sheā€™s pretty damn goodā€”even if her methods are out there. Sheā€™s been using my gym for years, but lately Iā€™ve been having a tough time getting her out of my head. The last thing I need is to fall for this sexy little smarty. So, when the persuasive woman talks me into an entertaining challenge, I know I should just walk away... But I donā€™t. Logan is, without a doubt, the most fascinating man Iā€™ve ever met. As far as billionaires go, heā€™s hardly typical. Heā€™s practically allergic to the indoors, stubborn to the extreme, and an absolute overprotective teddy bear when it comes to his daughter. Iā€™m well aware that he thinks Iā€™m a bit of a weirdo. And frankly, Iā€™m good with that status quo. The last thing I need is to develop an ill-advised crush on the gorgeous workaholic. So, when the distracting man manages to trick me into letting him set the stakes for our little challenge, I know I should just walk away... But I donā€™t.