
Herbal Antibiotics : What BIG Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know, How to Pick and Use the 45 Most Powerful Herbal Antibiotics for Overcoming Any Ailment


Boost Your Immune System with Nature’s Bounty!

Herbal antibiotics have been used throughout the centuries as natural treatments for hundreds of diseases and ailments, including wisdom teeth extraction, broken bones and even surgery - and like 98 percent of Americans, you’ve probably taken a course of synthetic antibiotics to help you recover.

While there’s nothing wrong with synthetic antibiotics, BIG Pharma’s running scared of the natural alternative to their expensive drugs (and profits) - while you can utilize natural remedies that leave less impact on the environment and your internal body chemistry.

Herbal Antibiotics is the most in-depth introduction to natural healing and herbal medicine available today, giving you the explanations on why certain herbs work as herbal antivirals and herbal antibiotics and how you can use them to fight your next infection - or simply boost your immunity to nasties in your area!

What’s covered in Herbal Antibiotics? Here’s a brief overview: • Learn to pick, prepare, and use the top 45 most valuable herbs that you can easily find growing in your area or in a health food shop, with our in-depth profiles, featuring illustrations.

• Discover how to fight bad bacteria with herbal treatments - and how they compare to traditional treatments available from your pharmacist.

• Find out what are the five key essential oils with natural antibiotic properties.

• Consult a “cheat sheet” for fighting infections naturally with the right herbal medicine.

BIG Pharma hates books like these coming out because it dents their profits while educating you about the potential dangers of synthetic medicine.

Would you like to know more?

Add Herbal Antibiotics to your listening library to start learning how traditional natural healing methods can not only boost your immune system but help you to live a more natural, happy life.



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