
Historical Record of the Sixth, or Inniskilling Regiment of Dragoons : Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1689, and of Its Subsequent Services to 1846


Richard Cannon's 'Historical Record of the Sixth, or Inniskilling Regiment of Dragoons' is a meticulously researched and detailed account of the military history and achievements of this renowned British cavalry regiment. Written in a straightforward and informative style, Cannon's work provides a comprehensive overview of the regiment's campaigns, battles, and notable officers, offering valuable insights into the life of a dragoon during the 18th and 19th centuries. The book is a valuable resource for military historians and enthusiasts alike, offering firsthand accounts and historical context to the regiment's role in various conflicts. Cannon's attention to detail and archival research make this book an essential addition to any military history collection. Richard Cannon, a British military historian and antiquarian, was uniquely positioned to write this record of the Inniskilling Dragoons. As a former officer in the British Army's Ordnance Department, Cannon had firsthand knowledge of military operations and a deep appreciation for the history of British regiments. His passion for preserving the military legacy of the British Army shines through in this work, showcasing his dedication to historical accuracy and preservation. I highly recommend 'Historical Record of the Sixth, or Inniskilling Regiment of Dragoons' to anyone interested in British military history or the Napoleonic era. Cannon's thorough research and engaging writing style make this book an informative and enjoyable read for scholars and history enthusiasts alike.