
How to Lead for Daring New Leaders: The No-Nonsense Guide to Develop Basic Leadership Skills. Discover Your Power to Be In Charge


If you're looking for the quickest way to reach your goals, achieve your dreams, and build a robust character - this book is FOR YOU!

Do you want to learn how to lead, but don't know where to start?

Do you want to become a leader?

Do you want to feel confident when leading others?

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, this book is for you!

You know that being a leader is important for your career, business, or even personal life - but it's also very challenging. It takes courage to step up and lead others because it means taking responsibility for the success or failure of your team and yours.

Being willing to fail in such a way is what makes most people "followers". Because of that, the world is in desperate need of people LIKE YOU - to lead them.

Leadership is not an innate quality that some people are born with - it can be learned by anyone. And like anything else, the more you practice, the better you'll become.

However, it's not easy to become a leader. It takes courage to overcome self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs. It takes discipline to hold yourself accountable for your dreams, desires, and goals.

But as you'll soon find out - no one was born a leader - they are all self-made.

In this book, you're going to learn the basics of how to lead effectively. You'll discover cover topics such as setting goals, building a team, receiving feedback, and more.

By the end of it, you'll know what it takes to be an effective leader and how to start putting those skills into practice.

Here's what you can find inside:

- Discover the techniques that top leaders use to be successful

- Gain insight into how best practices can be applied to your leadership style

- And much, much more!

No matter if you're a manager, a business owner, the entire company's founder, or if you're just looking to improve your leadership skills - in "How to Lead for Beginners", you will get all of the juicy tips and insider insights that you need to succeed!



  • Audiobook




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  3. Der mächtige moderne Manager: Wie Sie als Chef schwierige Probleme effektiv lösen. So nutzen Sie die bewährten Techniken der Führung und handeln als vorbildliche Führungskraft

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  4. Wirksamer Einfluss – Inspirierend führen: Wie Sie die Macht der Beeinflussung nutzen. So motivieren Sie Menschen zu Höchstleistungen und entfesseln das volle Potenzial Ihrer Mitarbeiter

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  5. Die besten Führungskräfte der Welt – Zeitlose Lektionen über Leadership: Wie Sie zu einem außergewöhnlichen Chef werden und die entscheidenden Strategien moderner Führung anwenden

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  6. Modern Leadership - 4 Books in 1: How to Lead for Daring New Leaders, The Mighty Modern Manager, Impactful Influence, and Lessons From the World's Greatest

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  7. How to Lead for Daring New Leaders: The No-Nonsense Guide to Develop Basic Leadership Skills. Discover Your Power to Be In Charge

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  8. The Mighty Modern Manager: How to Overcome Leadership Challenges and Succeed as an Exemplary Leader With the Right Mindsets, Skills, Tools and Practices

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  9. Modern Leadership: Lessons From the World's Greatest - Discover Timeless Qualities of 8 Extraordinary Leaders and How to Develop These Game-Changing Skills in Yourself

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  10. Impactful Influence for Modern Leaders: How to Use the Power of Influence to Lead Other People Toward Success

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