Bilingual English French Book. Perfect for kids learning English or French as their second language. This fun children's picture book follows the story of cute little bunny, Jimmy. He lives with his family in a small, nice house in the forest. The problem is that Jimmy doesn’t want to sleep in his own bed. Every night he sneaks quietly into his parents’ room and falls asleep in their bed. Until one night something unexpected happened …. Are you curious? Well, you'll just have to read the book to find out what happened. This is the first book in the collection of short bedtime stories for children. This story may be ideal for reading to your kids at bedtime and enjoyable for the whole family as well!
Süße Träume, mein Schatz!
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookI Love to Help (English Korean Bilingual Book)
Shelley Admont
bookI Love My Dad Ich habe meinen Papa lieb
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Eat Fruits and Vegetables ፍራፍሬዎችን እና አትክልቶችን መብላት እወዳለሁ
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookI Love to help መርዳት እወዳለሁ
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookGoodnight, My Love! ደህና እደር የኔ ፍቅር!
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookI am Thankful Ninashukuru
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookI Love to Help Ես սիրում եմ օգնել
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookI am Thankful હું આભારી છું
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookI Love to Share Mwen Renmen Pataje
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookI Love My Mom Mwen renmen Manman m
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookI am Thankful Sou Grata
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
Let’s Play, Mom! Viens jouer, maman!
Shelley Admont
bookThe Wheels Les Roues The Friendship Race La course de l’amitié
Inna Nusinsky
bookI Love to Go to Daycare J’adore aller à la crèche
Shelley Admont
bookDid You Know My Mom is Awesome? Vous saviez que ma maman est géniale ?
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Share J’adore Partager
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Eat Fruits and Vegetables J’aime manger des fruits et des legumes
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Keep My Room Clean J’aime garder ma chambre propre
Shelley Admont
Jack and the Bean-Stalk.Humpty Dumpty (Illustrated Edition)
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