Keep your dog lean and happy
About 50% of all dogs in Europe and the US are overweight or obese.
Those dogs are at risk as overweight not only affect your dogs temper but also can cause diseases, joint problems and even shorten the dogs life by years.
This book can help you see the risks!
Learn how to keep your dog healthy and alert, to give him a better and longer life.
Keep Your Dog Lean And Happy is for all dog owners, no matter the dogâs breed, size and activity level.
Find out the difference between normal weight, overweight and obese â and why it is important to keep your dog lean.
Get easily digested information on topics like dog food, what your dog should and should not eat, how many calories your dog need every day â and how many of them that hides in a single cookie. You also get diets, recepies and ideas for activities, training and fun things that will keep your best friend in shape.
A veterinarian has checked the content of this book.