
Murder in A Welsh Town : The Havard and Lambert mysteries Book 4


MURDER IN A WELSH TOWN is a richly-woven domestic murder mystery full of interesting characters and shady secrets.

Plans for a town pantomime are thrown in the air after one of the actors is murdered.

The victim is local gossip, nosy parker and aspiring manipulator, Ivor Gladwin. Reviled by many and ignored by more, the list of people who could have wanted rid of him seems to grow by the minute. Despite having overstepped the mark in past cases, because of her familiarity with the individuals involved, ex police officer Fabia Havard is actually tasked by her boyfriend, and serving DCI, to look into the matter on the side. Unfortunately, she stumbles upon an ongoing undercover inquiry, and the killer looks like they might creep back into the woodwork. With amateur dramatics suspended and a serious murder case on their hands, Havard and Lambert will need to put their minds together to crack the case.

Narrator: Elain Llwyd
