Med det kalla krigets slut och globaliseringens segertÄg trodde mÄnga att nationalism hörde till historien. Men det visade sig vara tvÀrtom. Idag ser vi hur nationalismen sprids över hela vÀrlden. Samtidigt vÀxer sig populistiska och anti-demokratiska rörelser starka. Att höra hemma nÄgonstans tycks bli allt viktigare i en tid av ekonomisk och social osÀkerhet. I en globaliserad vÀrld förknippas dÀrför identitet, medborgarskap och tillhörighet med födelseort och en fast plats att bo pÄ. EssÀerna i denna antologi Àr baserade pÄ Engelsbergsseminariet 2017 dÀr olika former av identitet knutna till olika samhÀllsbildningar granskades. Hur uppstÄr en nation? Hur skapas enighet i ett imperium med en mÄngfald av folk?Huvudredaktör för denna illustrerade antologi Àr Kurt Almqvist.
Nation, stat och imperium
- Robin Lane Fox
- Gillian Clark
- Steven Grosby
- Tom Holland
- Peter H Wilson
- Larry Siedentop
- Lawrence James
- Maurizio Viroli
- Simon Mayall
- Jessica Frazier
- Jeremy Jennings
- Josef Joffe
- Philip Bobbitt
- Richard J Evans
- Lucy Riall
- Lars TrÀgÄrdh
- Charles S Maier
- Rob Johnson
- Tim Marshall
- Harvey Whitehouse
- Christopher Coker
- Janne Haaland MatlĂĄry
- Carlos Escudé
- Jonathan Fenby
- Martina Winkelhofer
- David Goodhart
- Iain Martin
- Freddy Gray
- 254 pages
- 11 books
Tom Holland
Tom Holland is an acclaimed British author who has written many books, both fiction and non-fiction, on subjects from vampires to history. He obtained a double first in English and Latin at Queens' College, Cambridge, and afterward studied shortly for a PhD at Oxford, taking Lord Byron as his subject. His novels mostly have a supernatural and horror element as well as being set in the past.
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Tim Marshall
Tim Marshall is a leading authority on foreign affairs with more than thirty years of reporting experience. He was diplomatic editor at Sky News and before that worked for the BBC and LBC/IRN radio. He has reported from forty countries and covered conflicts in Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Israel. He is the author of Prisoners of Geography, The Age of Walls, A Flag Worth Dying For, The Power of Geography, and The Future of Geography.
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Jonathan Fenby
Jonathan Fenby is a former editor of the Observer, The South China Morning Post, and is a guest on many American news sites, including CNN. He is the author of several books including the acclaimed On the Brink: The Trouble with France and Generalissimo: Chiang Kai-Shek and the China He Lost. In 2013 Jonathan was awarded the Chevalier of the LĂ©gion d'Honneur by the French government for his contribution towards understanding between Britain and France.
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