“To open a book is ever to go on a voyage of discovery. The anchor is up, and you are adrift on the unknown” (Edward Thomas); “No le pide nada a usted el cuerpo, querido lector. Pero ¿en dónde vive?” (Roberto Arlt); “It is childish to suppose that a hundred books can be named as those which are the best for each and every one. The simplest experience of the world proves that a work of great excellence may deeply move one person, while it leaves another untouched; and that a book which has influenced one strongly in one's youth may lose such influence over one's later years. There is practically nothing that every man can read at every time...” (Georg Brandes)
- 691 books
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf was an English novelist, essayist, short story writer, publisher, critic and member of the Bloomsbury group, as well as being regarded as both a hugely significant modernist and feminist figure. Her most famous works include Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and A Room of One’s Own.
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