Optimal Experience: The Absolute Guide to Living an Optimal Life, Learn Different Methods and Strategies on How to Expand Your Daily Life and Discover Your Purpose Do you sometimes feel that sometimes, life is being especially mean to you? Like you sometimes think that life is ganging up on you and when you look at everyone else, you feel that you're the only one who's miserable and everyone else seems to be having a grand time. Most people talk about their problems in life and most of the time, people tend to only focus on all the troubles they have in life. When you get together with friends, I bet one of the constant topics is all your woes in life. And then you will inevitably talk about other people whom you think are living an optimal life and how they must have zero problems whatsoever. It's either you talk about their money or success or even how they look great at their age. But as the saying goes, we are all fighting our own battles and no one is without any problems. It is common nature for us to always compare ourselves with others. But the truth is, our lives are only as optimal as we want them to be. This audiobook will teach you the ways on how to take things in your own hands and how you can shape your own life to live an optimal life. It will show you what are the essential things you can't do without for optimal living. In this audiobook, you will learn about the following: - What is an Optimal Experience - What Do You Need For An Optimal Life - Striking Between Health and Wealth - Your Family and Your Life - 3 Practical Essentials for Optimal Living - Your Sex Life - An Undeniable Aspect For Your Optimal Life - Have a Hobby - It is Not Just About the Present - Is Your Life Optimal Today? - Putting Yourself in Your Life
Optimal Experience : The Absolute Guide to Living an Optimal Life, Learn Different Methods and Strategies on How to Expand Your Daily Life and Discover Your Purpose