Step Over the Ropes and into 1990s wrestling. Set in a fictional world, Over the Ropes dives into sports entertainment’s biggest era. A young high-flyer named Jason Lynn goes off-script in a match to win the world title and sets the southern territory on fire as the face-painted wrestler, Phoenix. Jason’s battles between the ropes are only outperformed by his struggles outside the ring. First dates. Crooked promoters. Cage matches. Factions and families. No matter what problems smack him with a steel chair, Jason lives by his catchphrase: I. Will. Rise.
Over The Ropes Vol. 2 #2
Jay Sandlin
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Jay Sandlin
bookHellfighter Quin GN
Jay Sandlin
bookHellfighter Quin #5
Jay Sandlin
bookHellfighter Quin #4
Jay Sandlin
bookHellfighter Quin #3
Jay Sandlin
bookOver The Ropes Vol. 1 #5
Jay Sandlin
bookHellfighter Quin #2
Jay Sandlin
bookOver The Ropes Vol. 1 #4
Jay Sandlin
bookHellfighter Quin #1
Jay Sandlin
bookOver The Ropes Vol. 1 #3
Jay Sandlin
bookOver The Ropes Vol. 1 #2
Jay Sandlin
When The Blood Has Dried GN
Gary Moloney
bookTeleportation And Other Luxuries
Archie Bongiovanni
bookFae and the Moon
Franco Aureliani
bookThe Mammoth #1
Paul Tobin
bookThe Last Session
Jasmine Walls
bookThe Hexiles #1
Cullen Bunn
bookUnder The Influence #1
Eliot Rahal
bookExit City #1
Mark London
bookDry Foot #1
Jarred Lujan
bookString #1
Paul Tobin
bookGatchaman: Jun—Apex Heart
Tommy Lee Edwards
bookSpectrum #1
Rick Quinn