In children and young adults with psychosomatic conditions, the ?body&mind interface= is often so impaired that their body language is no longer comprehensible. A holistic assessment of a psychosomatic problem not only includes a careful somatic examination, but also involves understanding each patient=s social influences, inner mental and internal family psychological structures and dynamics, as well as interactions between these different perspectives. In addition, it is necessary to assess whether the intrapsychic and interpersonal resources in the situation are sufficient to allow physical, mental and social development in the existing environment. This book therefore endeavours to present the disease phenomena described from the point of view of developmental biology and developmental psychology.
Inklusive Schule - Handlungsfeld motorische und kognitive Entwicklung
Gottfried Biewer, Gertraud Kremsner, Michelle Proyer
bookImmer in Bewegung! Motorische Entwicklung & Förderung : Themenheft Kleinstkinder in Kita und Tagespflege
Renate Zimmer
bookDas kindliche Spiel – Motor der Entwicklung : Themenheft Kleinstkinder in Kita und Tagespflege
Julia Höke, Annika Butters, Antje Grübnau, Eliza Spirig-Mohr
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bookHandbuch Psychomotorik : Theorie und Praxis der psychomotorischen Förderung von Kindern
Prof. em. Renate Zimmer
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Thich Nhat Hanh
bookGute-Nacht-Geschichte für gestresste Erwachsene: Die bewährte Tiefenentspannung, um wie ein Baby zu schlafen : Überwinden Sie anhaltende Schlaflosigkeit und Einschlafprobleme, um Angst und täglichen Stress zu besiegen
Institut für Burnout-Prävention
audiobookSummary: Jason Fung's The Diabetes Code
Sarah Fields
bookMusik erleben in der Kita : 3-6 Jahre
Sabine Hirler
bookMesenchymal Cell Activation by Biomechanical Stimulation and its Clinical Prospects
bookSummary, Analysis, and Review of Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now
Start Publishing Notes Start Publishing Notes
audiobookYounger : A Breakthrough Program to Reset Your Genes, Reverse Aging, and Turn Back the Clock 10 Years
Sara Szal Gottfried