
Smugglers' Reef : A Rick Brant Science Adventure


Uvula Publishing presents the seventh volume in the Rick Brant Science Adventure stories-- Smugglers' Reef. Rick Brant and Don Scott are back from their vacation in the South Pacific and are finding adventure near Spindrift Island. They're on their own this time, with no support from any of the Spindrift scientists, though they do get help from a likable old sea salt named Cap'n Mike and some familiar members of the press. The young men are trying to solve the mystery of why a fishing trawler owned by an experienced captain ran aground onto the well-known Smugglers' Reef and the odd happenings at nearby Creek House. The action is close to home this time, taking place in Seaford, a town just down the Jersey coast from Spindrift. Here's another ripping tale about these young adventurous men!

Narrator: J.J. Campanella
