Workplaces are demanding. Constant complainers take up resources, time and mental bandwidth. When you change your culture of complainers to one of contributors, you boost morale, increase productivity and promote effective communication. In short, you can get more done with less drama. Author Linda Swindling is an expert in negotiating tough situations in the workplace. The book looks at how to influence others to accomplish your purpose. Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers uses short scenarios, engaging questions, survey results and provides tips that can be implemented immediately. Readers are shown how to spot complainers and time drainers. The book provides forms to help prepare for discussions, suggested language to show up powerfully and encouragement to apply strategies. Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers is research-driven and focused on how to identify as well as manage conversations with venters, complainers, whiners and energy drainers. The book offers c
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