Summary Bundle: Spiritual & Success: Includes Summary of The Case for Christ & Summary of The Checklist Manifesto From the Description of "Summary of The Case for Christ"... Only in a world where faith is difficult can faith exist." - Lee Strobel In The Case for Christ, Strobel challenges his atheist beliefs by researching about the New Testament and its reliability, on top of that, you'll learn about the existence of evidence that lives outside of the Bible and finally, he tackles the big question, if there is any reason to believe that the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth actually happened. The answers to these questions made Lee Strobel a believer so there is no doubt about how astonishing the content is. From the Description of "Summary of The Checklist Manifesto"... "One essential characteristic of modern life is that we all depend on systems - on assemblages of people or technologies or both - and among our most profound difficulties is making them work." - Atul Gawande Checklists were invented long ago, but they are still used. They were created out of necessity to execute the extremely complicated process of flying military aircraft but they still have a lot of relevance. And that's because checklists have evolved as well with the passing of time. What if you could learn 3X more in 2X less time? How much faster could you accelerate to reach your goals? Start accelerating your growth today by adding this book to your shopping cart now or clicking on the buy now button.
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