The Big Win is a follow up to the authors first book: The Billion Dollar Mistake: Learning the Art of Investing through the Missteps of Legendary Investors. The Big Win will be the companion piece, focusing on extremely successful investments instead of spectacular failures. Each chapter begins with the inspiring life story of an extremely accomplished financier and their path to success, opening a window onto a personality that is inextricably linked to their investment style and, ultimately, the manner in which they cope with the loss of billions. The chapters continue on with a complete discussion of a trade that went far astray and concludes with lessons for the reader to follow so that they dont commit the same costly errors. Most importantly, each mistake is, in essence, incredibly common; they are mistakes committed by average investors, the only difference being in the magnitude of the loss. The Big Win is a very different type of investment book- it is both entertaining and a primer on successful investing.
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