Originally published in 1913, this grippling collection of Lupin short stories presents more puzzling criminal involvements of the classic French hero-thief and his men. It has been a fortnight since the baroness Repstein disappeared from Paris, taking with her a fortune in jewels stolen from her husband. French detectives have chased her all over Europe, following the trail of gemstones like so many precious breadcrumbs, but she has eluded their efforts. When Arsene Lupin finds her, she will not escape so easily. In these thrilling stories, he uses his wit and courage to outsmart criminals, pull wool over the eyes of the French police, and solve terrifying mysteries, always making sure to pocket something for himself.
Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin und die schwarze Perle : Eine Kriminalgeschichte. Ungekürzt gelesen.
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