We all know that we age- but do you know exactly how, and why? And do you wonder what you can do- whatever your age- to slow the process so you can live well, for longer? This book comprehensively answers these questions. Medical doctor and polymath scientist Kris Verburgh illuminates the biological mechanisms that make our bodies susceptible to heart attacks, strokes, dementia, diabetes, and other aging-related diseases. We learn about the crucial role of poorly functioning mitochondria, shortened telomeres, proteins and carbohydrates, and more. Having explained the aging process at work, Dr. Verburgh then provides the tools we need to slow it down: his scientifically backed Longevity Staircase. This simple yet innovative step-by-step method offers better health and a longer life span through nutrition- currently our best defense in the fight against aging and disease. And with each passing day, advances in biotechnology- once the stuff of science fiction- are emerging as part of the longevity code. Dr. Ve
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