Based on the harrowing life of Eleonore Hodys, The Mistress of Auschwitz follows the true story of a political prisoner detained in the notorious concentration camp.
The Last Night At Auschwitz
Cosmin Baiu
bookThe Brothers of Auschwitz
Malka Adler
audiobookMercy Street : A Novel
Jennifer Haigh
audiobookThe School for German Brides : A Novel of World War II
Aimie K. Runyan
audiobookThe Resistance Girl
Mandy Robotham
audiobookSisters of the Great War
Suzanne Feldman
audiobookThe Secret Messenger
Mandy Robotham
audiobookThe God of that Summer
Ralf Rothmann
audiobookThe World That We Knew
Alice Hoffman
audiobookbookThe Kommandant's Girl
Pam Jenoff
audiobookMrs Porter Calling : The feel good novel of the summer
AJ Pearce
audiobookThe War Pianist
Mandy Robotham