The Python-Based Laboratory: A Hands-On Guide for Scientists and Engineers provides a learn-by-doing approach to acquiring the Python programming skills needed to implement computer-controlled experimental work. The book leads its listeners to mastery of the popular, open-source Python computer language in its role as a powerful laboratory tool by carrying out interesting and relevant projects that explore the acquisition, production, analysis, and presentation of digitized waveforms.
The Python-Based Laboratory can be used as a textbook for science and engineering instructional laboratory students who are being taught up-to-date Python-based experimental skills. The book also works well as a self-study guide for professional laboratory researchers, industrial engineers, hobbyists, and electronics enthusiasts seeking to automate tasks using Python. As listeners work their way through the book, they build several computer-based instruments, including a DC voltmeter, digital oscilloscope, DC voltage source, waveform generator, blinking LED array, digital thermometer, and spectrum analyzer. Each chapter concludes with a Do-It-Yourself project and a Use It! example as well as a healthy selection of homework-style problems, allowing listeners to test their understanding and further develop their Python-based experimentation skills.