Henri Matisse described the Chapel of the Rosary, the chief labour of his final years, as the 'gathering together' of his lifetime's work. Although widely known as 'Matisse's Chapel', the building's remarkable 'modern' design and decoration emerged from a surprising friendship and artistic engagement with a group of Dominican sisters and brothers keen to see the Church embrace 'Modern Art' and modern artists. With the advantage of hitherto unexplored archive and printed materials this study highlights that mutual encounter and explores how their shared artistic adventure became for Matisse himself an opportunity to express his 'religious' vision of art and to rediscover his natal Catholic Faith in its post-war avant-garde form.
Mind Wide Open : Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life
Steven Johnson
bookPraktiken in/der Versammlung : Körper – Medien – Konstellationen
Eva Busch, Lucas Curstädt, Jeanne Jens Eschert, Leon Gabriel, Maja Gobeli, Mario Hirstein, Markus Kubesch, Jochen Lamb, Caroline Liss, Nana Melling, Laura Katharina Mücke, Yana Prinsloo, Sebastian Sommer, Julia Stenzel, Sven Zedlitz
bookLiteratur? Skandal! : Mechanismen der Skandalisierung am Beispiel von Christian Krachts Roman "Imperium" und Günter Grass' Gedicht "Was gesagt werden muss"
Leonie Langer
bookDe motu animalium. Über die Bewegung der Lebewesen : Zweisprachige Ausgabe
bookDer LL.M. 2021 : Nutzen, Zeitpunkt, Auswahl, Bewerbung, Finanzierung
bookAusflüge gegen das Vergessen : NS-Gedenkorte zwischen Ulm und Basel, Natzweiler und Montafon
Sabine Bade
bookRebellische Pianistin - DIGITAL : Das Leben der Grete Sultan zwischen Berlin und New York
Moritz von Bredow
bookNachrichten für angehende Studierende in Berlin
Johann Christian Gädicke
bookIm Geist der Reformation : Porträts aus Basel 1517-2017
bookInnenansichten eines Niedergangs : Das protestantische Milieu in Basel 1920 bis 1970
Urs Hofmann
bookPiano Works : Volume 2
Erik Satie
bookHeute spielt der Konstantin Klavier : Single Songbook; as performed by Helga Brauer
Wolfram Heicking, Konrad Wolf, Carl Ulrich Blecher