Margery Allingham's 'The Tiger in the Smoke' is a captivating mystery novel set in post-World War II London with a dark and atmospheric tone. The story follows Detective Chief Inspector Albert Campion as he investigates a series of brutal murders committed by a notorious criminal known as Jack Havoc. Allingham's vivid descriptions and intricate plot twists keep readers on the edge of their seats, making it a gripping read within the detective fiction genre of the mid-20th century. The novel's exploration of the psychological and moral complexities of its characters adds depth to its narrative, making it a classic in crime fiction. With its complex characters and immersive setting, 'The Tiger in the Smoke' is a must-read for fans of mystery novels and literary fiction enthusiasts alike.
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Margery Allingham
bookThe Tiger in the Smoke
Margery Allingham
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bookDeath of a Ghost
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