Da Sookie ser sin bror Jasons øjne begynde at ændre sig, ved hun, at han nu for første gang er ved at skifte til en varpanter. Hendes bekymringer bliver til iskold angst, da en snigskytte retter sit sigte mod den lokale bestand af hamskiftere, og Jasons nye panterbrødre mistænker ham for at stå bag mordene. Sookie har indtil næste fuldmåne til at finde ud af, hvem der står bag overfaldene – med mindre snigskytten finder hende først …
True Blood
True blood 5 - Stendød
- 103 books
Charlaine Harris
Charlaine Harris is a New York Times bestselling author who has been writing for over thirty years. She was born and raised in the Mississippi River Delta area. She has written four series, and two stand-alone novels, in addition to numerous short stories, novellas, and graphic novels (cowritten with Christopher Golden). Her Sookie Stackhouse books have appeared in twenty-five different languages and on many bestseller lists. They’re also the basis of the HBO series True Blood. Harris now lives in Texas, and when she is not writing her own books, she reads omnivorously. Her house is full of rescue dogs.
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