Funny, feisty and fabulous, Em Rusciano’s insights into her world of mayhem, marriage and motherhood are a laugh-out-loud, cry-out-loud balm for the soul.From her exploits at the Miss Sheila Fancypants School of Dance and her efforts to secure a solo at her end-of-year performance, to embracing the spotlight as an Australian Idol contestant and her deep and abiding love for John Farnham, Em Rusciano is a self-confessed bottomless pit of anxiety with a taste for glitter.
Try Hard: Tales from the life of a needy overachiever : Tales from the life of a needy overachiever
- 2 books
Em Rusciano
Em Rusciano is a bestselling writer, comedian and singer, and breakfast radio host on Sydney’s 2DayFM with on-air partner Harley Breen. Em is known for her performances on Australia Idol, her podcasts, her sold out stand-up shows around the country, and for winning the ‘Most Annoying Person’ award at her Year 12 graduation ceremony. She collects owl figurines (157 of them to be exact), as a child wanted to marry Kevin Arnold from The Wonder Years, and can’t stand the sound of people chewing. Em hopes to one day reside in a large house on a hill, have 34 dogs and live exclusively on cheese and gin. She may or may not have already made a start on that last part. Visit her website for less interesting facts:
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