Henry Blake Fuller's novel, Under the Skylights, is a captivating exploration of the social and cultural landscape of late 19th-century Chicago. The book delves into the lives of various characters living in a boarding house, each grappling with their own ambitions, desires, and secrets. Fuller's prose is characterized by its rich and detailed descriptions, offering readers a vivid depiction of the bustling city and its diverse inhabitants. The narrative style, with its focus on urban realism, reflects the author's keen observation of human behavior and societal norms of the time. The interconnected stories in the novel provide a complex and nuanced portrait of Chicago's evolving urban identity during this period. Through its exploration of class dynamics, gender roles, and urbanization, Under the Skylights offers a thought-provoking commentary on the challenges and contradictions of city life in the Gilded Age.
Under the Skylights
- 167 pages