Digitalization was just the beginning, the biggest revolution for mankind starts now Flying cars, autonomous driving, 3D-printed houses and lab-grown meat - what sounds like a science fiction movie, is already a reality. We are on the verge of a new age. Building upon digitalization, technologies like artificial intelligence, 5G, robotics, quantum computing and synthetic biology will bring profound changes to the world we know today. The impact on our everyday lives and our economy will be immense. The Internet-Era alone created companies worth over 7 trillion dollars - but only the US and China reaped the benefits. The upcoming era of exponential progress offers many new opportunities. Europe needs a mindset shift, a unique 10xDNA to take advantage of these prospects. 10xDNA will inform and inspire those who wish to understand how our world will change in the next decade. Instead of fearing the unknown, we should embrace the opportunities to build a strong, fair and diverse Europe. Are you ready to unleash your 10xFuture?
Mathe X Physik
Red. Serges Verlag
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