1. The Struggle of Social Anxiety Stop The Awkwardness and Fear of Talking to People or Being Social. Proven Methods to Stop Social Anxiety and Achieve Self-Confidence, Even if You're Very Shy

    Roger C. Brink

  2. Modern Life Stoicism & Inspiring Stoic Quotes 2-in-1 Book Achieve a Better Way of Living Mastering the Ancient Beliefs of Stoicism. Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Awareness and Self-Control

    Roger C. Brink

  3. Brain Training: Flawless, Proven Methods to Boost Your Memory Stop Being The One Who Always Forgets Birthdays: Flawless, Proven Methods and Exercises to Boost Your Memory Instantly

    Roger C. Brink

  4. Boost Your Memory and Focus Like a Modern Einstein Accelerate Learning Speed, Embrace Unlimited Memory Potential with State-of-the-Art Techniques and Transform Your Brain into a Powerful Machine

    Roger C. Brink

  5. Anger Management & Positive Thinking 2-in-1 Book Learn to Govern Your Anger & Be in Control + The Most Inspiring Positive Thinking Affirmations to Transform Your Mindset and Your Life

    Roger C. Brink

  6. Brain Training and Memory Improvement 2-in-1 Book Open The Pandora’s Box of Your Brain, Train Your Memory and Accelerate Your Learning Speed (No Need to be a Genius, We'll Tell You Exactly How)

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  7. Paleo Diet & Weight Loss Meditations 2-in-1 Book Eat Healthy, Delicious Food and Trim That Rockin’ Body + Powerful Weight Loss Meditations to Change Your Mindset and Lose Weight Fast

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  8. The Magic of Positive Thinking Magnetic Daily Affirmations to Be Positive and Attract Success, Abundance, Love and Everything Your Life Needs Through The Power of Attraction

    Roger C. Brink

  9. The Deepest Secrets of Dark Psychology Become That Person Who Controls Every Situation. Discover How to Mold People’s Decisions in Your Favor and Shape Your Path by Mastering Manipulation

    Roger C. Brink

  10. Modern Life Stoicism No More Uncontrolled Emotions : Learn to Understand Yourself, Master Mind Control, Be Your Own Coach and Handle Though Situations, Even When it Seems to Overcome You

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