As a young Earth Mage, Rosamund von Schwarzwald was tutored in magic by her adoptive grandmother, a wise and powerful Earth Master. But when her beloved mentor was brutally murdered by a werewolf, Rosa was taken in by the ancient forest's Hunt Master. Taught to harness the full power of her gift, Rosa became a skilled huntress, protector of the forest and the scourge of evil—with a deadly speciality in shapeshifters. When a string of grisly murders takes place in the remote countryside of Transylvania, the local Elemental Masters suspect a dark power at work, and desperately come to Rosa for help. If she agrees to track down the same creatures that haunt her past, will the hunter become the hunted?
Mercedes Lackey
Mercedes Lackey
audiobookKelvren's Saga - Gryphon's Valor
Mercedes Lackey
bookBedlam's Edge
Mercedes Lackey, Rosemary Edghill
audiobookElemental Masters - Miss Amelia's List
Mercedes Lackey
Mercedes Lackey
Mercedes Lackey
audiobookFounding of Valdemar - Valdemar
Mercedes Lackey
bookGryphon in Light
Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon
audiobookTrio of Sorcery
Mercedes Lackey
audiobookSacred Ground
Mercedes Lackey
audiobookGryphon Trilogy - Gryphon in Light
Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon