Acclaimed for his beloved Montana trilogy, National Book Award finalist Ivan Doig crafts masterful portraits of life in rural Big Sky Country. Set in the 1930s, Bucking the Sun follows the Duff clan during the construction of the Fort Peck Dam. Hugh Duff is angry that the dam will flood his farm, yet his sons hasten to get jobs working on the project. "This richly detailed narrative offers comedy, passion, and adventure."-Library Journal
The Sea Runners
Ivan Doig
bookMountain Time : A Novel
Ivan Doig
audiobookbookBucking the Sun : A Novel
Ivan Doig
audiobookbookEnglish Creek
Ivan Doig
audiobookbookPrairie Nocturne : A Novel
Ivan Doig
audiobookbookRide with Me, Mariah Montana
Ivan Doig
bookHeart Earth
Ivan Doig
audiobookbookRide With Me, Mariah Montana
Ivan Doig
audiobookBucking the Sun
Ivan Doig
audiobookDancing at the Rascal Fair
Ivan Doig
audiobookThis House of Sky : Landscapes of a Western Mind
Ivan Doig
audiobookThe Eleventh Man
Ivan Doig