The basic porcelain building technique developed by Mr Makoto Yamamoto, an internationally-known ceramist from Japan, has published his technique in this practical textbook, the latest edition for ceramists to learn esthetic techniques.
Practical Applications in Dental Occlusion : Analog to Digital
Michael Radu
bookImplant Prosthodontics : Protocols and Techniques for Fixed Implant Restorations
Todd R. Schoenbaum
bookDas kleine 1x1 der Endodontie
bookImplant Prosthodontics : Protocols and Techniques for Fixed Implant Restorations
Todd R. Schoenbaum
bookPosterior Direct Restorations
Salvatore Scolavino, Gaetano Paolone
bookAdvanced Zygomatic Implants : The ZAGA Concept
Carlos Aparicio
bookAtlas of Botulinum Toxin Injection : Dosage | Localization | Application
Wolfgang Jost
bookAtlas der Botulinumtoxin-Injektion : Dosierung | Lokalisation | Anwendung
Wolfgang Jost
bookTunneltechnik : Ein umfassendes Konzept für die plastische Parodontalchirurgie
Vincent Ronco
bookClinical Endodontics
Brooke Blicher, Rebekah Lucier Pryles, Jarshen Lin, Alice Li
bookCell-Atlas - Visual Biology in Oral Medicine
Reinhard Gruber, Bernd Stadlinger
bookSchmerzkontrolle in der Zahnmedizin : Lokalanästhesie, Analgesie, Sedierung
Peer W. Kämmerer, Diana Heimes