The world is not the same since the Pandoravirus outbreak changed the essence of human nature. Those affected by the disease are consumed by adrenal rage. They erupt in violence with the slightest provocation. And now, infected scientist Emma Miller is forging them into an army of merciless killers marching across America. Emma's twin sister, neuroscientist Isabel Miller, is desperate to avert the chaos that threatens to engulf civilization. But her team has its hands full staying one step ahead of the civil unrest that's ravaging the country. Noah Miller, the twins' brother, thought he had created a safe haven for his family in the mountains of Virginia-until the arrival of Emma and her infected followers proved the folly of his plans. The Millers' conflict is just one of many sweeping the nation. A nation divided into factions. A nation on the precipice of all-out civil war . . .
- 8 Bücher
Eric L. Harry
Eric L. Harry wurde 1958 in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, geboren. Harry ist Absolvent der Marine Military Academy, außerdem studierte er Russisch, VWL und Jura u.a. an der Vanderbilt University, Nashville sowie in Moskau und Leningrad. Neben seiner Tätigkeit für sein mitbegründetes Öl- und Gasunternehmen schreibt Harry Thriller. Er lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen Söhnen in Texas. Bei dotbooks veröffentlichte Eric L. Harry folgende Thriller: »Invasion«, »Gegenschlag«, »Kampfzone« sowie »Außer Kontrolle«
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