
Discovering the Divine : Your Guide for Spiritual Direction


Where do you begin when seeking spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is one of the cornerstones of Catholic spirituality. All who seek to deeper their faith can benefit from the guidance of a spiritual director. While many resources exist for spiritual directors, there is little help for directees—those seeking guidance. Having the right guide to spiritual direction can help you and your spiritual director ensure this ancient and valuable relationship is as spiritually beneficial as possible.

You will find a comprehensive guide for spiritual direction in this practical, 12-lecture resource for directees. Your presenter, Father Kenneth G. Davis, draws from thirty-five years of experience in spiritual direction to make this unique guide understandable and enjoyable.

You undoubtedly have many questions when seeking spiritual direction. How do you find a spiritual director or choose among them? Which style of direction is best for you? What is expected of you once spiritual direction begins? When tensions develop in the relationship, what do you do?

Fr. Davis thoughtfully answers these questions and more. This program is designed as a hands-on manual for those considering spiritual direction or desiring a more fruitful experience. Moreover, directors will find this program an invaluable resource to use as an orientation for those seeking their guidance. By adopting an informed approach to spiritual direction, you will grow in your experience of seeking the Divine.